Yen Lam Pottery
Traditional Pottery for Vietnamese

Yên Lam Workshop specializes in handcrafted pottery, adopting traditional Vietnamese pottery arts while at the same time judiciously incorporate contemporary values into our works. Our creations are made through various methods and techniques:
• Shaping and forming: wheel throwing, coiling, slab building, pot pinching, slip casting.
• Decorating: hand painted, appliqué, sgraffito, piercing, relief-carving.
• Glazing: brushing or stippling, dipping, pouring. The glaze we use consists of metal oxides and we guarantee that all of our production process is lead-free.
• Firing: oxidation firing and reduction firing, with temperature ranging from 1.170°C to 1.250°C.

The difference in handcraft pottery
The distinction of hand crafted pottery: Not only in the field of pottery, hand crafted creations in general possess unique characteristics, backstory and convey the craftsmen’s spirit. As a hand crafted pottery workshop, we emphasize on the human element. Our aspiration is that while working with pottery, you could achieve a state of mind where peace, creativity and love rein.
Regarding our workshop, we offer an array of products such as • Hand-crafted pottery: through wheel throwing, hand pinching, slab building, we produce free style and singular works. Yên Lam maintains these aforementioned traditional methods and process at our small-scaled establishment, located at No.22 Vĩnh Phú street, Thuận An Ward, Bình Dương Province. The workshop has a 2 cubic meter kiln and is operated by 5 artisans. We are also opening short-term courses (in 3 days and 7 days) for those who are interested in learning to make pottery. • Slip-casting pottery with hand-painted decorative details are from our workshop at Giang Cao hamlet in Bát Tràng village, Vietnam. With two 6 cubic meter gas kilns and one half cubic meter kiln for prototypes, we employ 30 experienced craftsmen to produce goods for larger orders here.
Our partners: Yên Lam Pottery’s products have been the go-to choice for many esteemed brands, our applied ceramics line has appeared in a variety of local resorts, restaurants, cafés in Vietnam as well as a number of restaurants in Japan and Germany. In our approach to hand crafted pottery, we wish to preserve the distinguished identity of Vietnamese pottery while simultaneously harmonize with contemporary lifestyle navigating along the flow of innovation. The aesthetic quality in pattern and color, functionality though forms and safety, informed choice of materials are the three crucial factors in designing and crafting process that Yên Lam staff always tries our best to cultivate.